Only if the walls of that courthouse could talk about all the backroom deals, malfeasance, corruption, and government mismanagement that has occurred over the last few decades. Not to mention the facts are that the county commissioners in the past have been involved in doing everything they can to stop the citizens from knowing things. Especially when they have violated the Indiana Open Door Laws and Open Records laws for many years.
One has to wonder why the Good Old Boys in Washington County, Indiana and Salem, Indiana are always trying their damnedest to keep the general population of the county from knowing what is truly going on in their government. Not the government of the elites or their political lackeys that currently consist of the Council and Commissioners.
It has been this way for years since at least the early 1990s if not before that there was little access to these public meetings and the closed door smoke filled room sessions of years past. In Indiana, see we have an open door meetings act that allows the citizens to know what their government is doing. Not some secret assembly of smoke filled rooms where cigars and booze are present but an actual meeting that is open to the pubic.
Even more laughable is that this County Council and the County Commissioners have their meetings at the most inconvenient time for the working population of Washington County, Indiana. It would be so difficult for these miscreants to actually have their open meetings in evening hours at say 6 pm instead of the current 9 am starting times. Considering that most of the county has to pay their bills and be adequately employed means that they can't show up to these meetings. Kind of like how the County Commissioners and County Council has to have closed executive meetings where they can talk about things off the record.
That way they can do pretty much whatever they want behind the doors during their closed EXECUTIVE sessions and they put out their dog and pony show during the regular meeting where the people don't have time to attend.
The same goes for the County Council in Washington County, Indiana having its executive meetings at 8:15 to 8:45 am and having their little pow wow before opening the regular monthly meeting at 9 AM at the Washington County Government (Injustice) Center or as should be called Washington County Corruption Center.
However, these people in power in Washington County have traditionally enjoyed screwing over their constituents with tax issues or property tax issues because they have never been held accountable for their government spending and waste of funds. If this was a normally operated business and enterprise or the family budget, ultimately it would result in the closing of the business or the bankruptcy of the business or the family unit.
Yet after blowing an untold amount of money on repairs in 2008 and 2009 and getting nothing but a bandaid fix for a problem, they want another way to stick it into the rear end of the community and county at large. So instead this time they are asking for donations before they figure out how to screw the taxpayers with another tax increase. So they will need hundreds of thousands of dollars again to fix a problem that should have been handled correctly in 2008 and 2009. Instead of kicking the can down the road so they could bleed the taxpayers again in 2016.....2017....2020...or elsewhere. This is called incompetent government.
Just like how they screwed the taxpayers by having another County Option Public Safety Tax and other taxes on the working people of Washington County. All the while being one of the poorest counties in the entire State of Indiana year after year for decades. A county where 40 to 50 percent of residents have to travel to other Indiana counties like Lawrence, Orange, Jackson, Scott, Clark, Floyd, Harrison, and Louisville, Kentucky to get meaningful and paying employment.
All the while these leeches have suggested that we need more taxes and more tax burden when a county has employees screwing off on the Internet watching YouTube videos, Internet porn, and doing personal business on county government time. Time that the taxpayers end up paying for in the term of salaries and benefits for employees who are doing nothing productive to serve the needs of the citizens of Washington County.
Haven't we all had enough of this malfeasance and miscreant behavior from our so called public servants?

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