We are to believe that they are trying to come down hard on felons and criminals who are bringing in and supplying the community with heroin, methamphetamine, marijuana, and other banned narcotic substances.
One is led to believe that these people have nothing but the most noble and decent intentions when it comes to ridding our communities of drugs and doing their best to rid the community of the common criminals that exist in Salem, Campbellsburg, Pekin, and other surrounding communities.
All the while for years the public officials in Washington County, Indiana have known that these drug criminals exist and in most cases probably know who they are.
See, drugs aren't just something used by the end users but it also means that you have a dealer who answers to a higher up authority as in a crime boss or someone who finances and distributes the trash that exists on our streets and in our communities. That higher up authority obviously is not God or a creator being.
The Washington County courts, judges, and prosecutors for years have know that drugs are a scourge on our community, leading to more addiction, more dependency, domestic issues, criminality, and many of the social ills facing our community and society. Yet they have refused for decades to get tough on drugs and tough on real criminality by people in various places of power.
Maybe this is because they know who the high level drug distributorship individuals are because they are intimately familiar with them. Perhaps they have similar likes or professions like law and order which is unevenly administered where a users gets several years in a state penitentiary like Branchville, Michigan City, Pendleton or one of the other fine Indiana institutions for criminals.
However, the case is that none of the upper level drug dealers and distribution points in Washington County, Indiana are ever busted for this corruption. Maybe its because they hold similar positions in the law community or are good friends with the local law enforcement community.
All the while, the hypocrites talk about cleaning up the community and focusing on removing and reducing the drug scourge from Meth Heads in the community. While the local hospital regularly has to have the police show up to dissuade the drug users from acting in a violent manner because their drug issues cause them to act in a violent way.
Yet to hear the ramblings of the Indiana State Police and its commanders at the local level, "We're going to be coming down hard on dopers" and statements like "We Just busted a bunch of dopers"
However, its cheap talk because even though the State Police and local authorities talk about raiding and arresting someone with drugs, they never bothered with dealing with the law and order community that obviously knows who is bringing in the drugs and allowing this madness and stupidity to continue.
Its another case of the GOOD OLE BOY system smacking each other on the back and talk about what a great job they are doing in arresting a few street users while doing nothing in reality to bust the high level dealers and the people they know are involved in the transshipment of such substances from other countries and even allowing the manufacture of drugs.
Its kind of like the whole idea of letting a fox into the henhouse through the back door or a hole in the fencing all the while talking about what a great job they are doing at the front door. Its time for policies and priorities to change instead of turning their heads the other way.
A good percentage of people in Washington County know this problem exists but the officials know not to arrest and prosecute certain people because they have too much power. Not to mention those lowly elected officials and lowly law enforcement representatives would have to get new jobs or leave the community.

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