Wednesday, June 29, 2016

We're Back

Salem Corruption Salem Corruption Salem Corruption Salem Corruption After a long hiatus from posting due to a problematic temporary medical condition its time to start updating this information blog about the real Washington County, Indiana and the real corruption so that goes on in this community not only in the law enforcement community but also among lawyers, judges, and people in the community that believe that they can by with anything just as long as they know the right people. It's time for these people in Salem, Indiana and surrounding communities to be held accountable for their corruption, nepotism, favortism, and misdeeds in government. Washington County certainly doesn't hold a monopoly on incompetent and corrupt politicians but its certainly one area in which these miscreants need to be held responsible for their apathy, corruption, and lack of competence while in office.

This blog and other associated sites soon to come online will expose these people for the nefarious characters that they are. As well as exposing public corruption that should be prosecuted by the state authorities but they also refuse to do their job.

Instead of setting these people up as an example that corruption does not pay the State of Indiana looks the other way and lets local governmental bodies walk all over the rights of the people. Despite the desire of the people to remonstrate these acts taken by the scoundrels that run this county, the Indiana Legislature refuses to do its job and start by sending in the Indiana State Police and affiliated governmental agencies to investigate public corruption.

While the Indianapolis based United States Attorney Joseph Hogsett (now mayor of Indianapolis, IN) made a plea for people to come forward to prosecute judicial and public government corruption several years ago, these pleas have not been followed through on in the case of Washington County, Indiana.

This blog and other associated sites will continue to expose THE GOOD OLE BOY system that has been running Washington County, Indiana and the communities that exist in the county including Salem, Pekin, Campbellsburg, Hardinsburg, and other smaller non listed communities encompassing the entire county.

Its time to hold these officials and their appointed bureaucrats and lackeys responsible for the malfeasance, mismanagement, and incompetence in handling the public trust and the public affairs of the people. The very people that pay their salaries and pay their wages out of the meager economy of Washington County, IN. Salem Corruption

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