Friday, July 27, 2018

The Salem Parks Department

Salem Corruption Salem Corruption Salem Corruption Salem Corruption It seems that the Salem Parks and Recreation Department needs to get on the ball and start doing their job in cleaning up our local park and recreation facilities. From the vandals and lowlifes that trash our public facilities such as public park bathrooms and the shelter houses, to those who willingly and wantonly throw out their trash at the parks in our town.

Instead of doing something about it and cleaning up our public parks from those who are illegally smoking and leaving their cigarette butts around the parks they have did little to nothing. These  places include the Parkview Baseball Fields and Depauw Park along with the worst park in the area called Lake Salinda.

Some of this mess has been left at these places by campers who are illegally camping there overnight while the City of Salem Police Department is sleeping on the job while these individuals are illegally camping in our public parks. One might also notice the traffic from and to these parks at hours that are prohibited from public use such as at midnight or three or four am or anywhere in between.

Some of that sort of activity going on late at night in our public parks is obviously people up to no good including drug abuse and other criminal activities. Such behavior is being tolerated by the local police force who aren't any longer making rounds to check for people illegally camping in our parks and therefore leave their trash, food wrappers, cups, styrofoam, condoms and other disgusting waste in our parks. Especially Lake Salinda though I have regularly seen needles at both Lake Salinda as well as the Parkview Baseball Complex even around shelterhouse and along the roadside on occasion.

I guess the City of Salem Parks And Recreation Department doesn't really care about doing anything about cleaning up our public parks that we pay taxes on other than mowing grass for 6 months out of the year. While the facilities are beyond disrepair and nasty in many cases and need to be cleaned up. Including teaching a good cross section of people to respect the environment and cleanup after themselves which seems to be a common problem in Washington County.

Furthermore is the trash that one finds on the banks of Lake Salinda and Lake John Hay as well by those who are camping in those areas which are both illegal to camp in yet there is vast evidence that people have been camping and leaving their trash and refuse everywhere for someone else to pick up. That and being washed into the waterways to be inhaled by fish and other wildlife including deer, etc.

Since the director of the Parks and Rec gets paid 41,000 a year plus and has a decent sized staff that they can't get off their duffs and actually make sure these parks are cleaned up and not having trash all over the banks of the lakes. Not to mention the local Salem City Police cracking down on people that are leaving their trash everywhere as well as the drug abuse problem which leads to needles in our parks and along our roadsides.

Would you want your child or family member to step on a dirty disease filled needle that got left by the roadside or in the park because the slugs that use them are too lazy to clean up after themselves? Tbink about it!

So why isn't Salem Mayor Troy Merry and the rest of the City Council getting on the ball and working on fixing the drug problem in Salem along with the Washington County Court system and the two LAW and ORDER judges that allow this sort of travesty to continue.

Not to mention the good old pork rind eating boys at the Washington County Sheriff's Department which are often too chubby to even bother with chasing down criminals judging by the weight that some of them carry around over their protruding belts. Try some professionalism guys and at least try to get in shape. Instead of coddling the criminals that you know and are more than likely related to.

While we are at it, why don't we ask why the Washington County Prosecutor's Office why they are more interested in staging theater activities in our public courtrooms rather than prosecuting hard core criminals and those in society that have bad intent and bad actions towards their fellow people. Let's ask why is it that the good old boy local lawyer network at the Washington County Prosecutor's office is more interested in doing Masterpiece Theater in front of the local judge and juries than putting hardcore criminals and those endangering others into jail.

Would it because if they weren't showing off so much they would actually have to do their jobs and focus on putting drug dealers, thieves, burglars, domestic violence abusers, child molesters and various other people who commit crime behind bars. Wonder when the good old boys and few girls of the Washington County Prosecutor's Department will do their job. That will be covered in a future topic. Salem Corruption
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Salem's Increasing Hobo Population

Salem Corruption Salem Corruption Salem Corruption Salem Corruption Salem, Indiana is generally a relatively nice community with people who really do care about their neighbors, their community and have a sense of civic pride at least to some extent.

That being said, the quality of life in Salem, Indiana is being brought down by a variety of factors including the local drug use problem that exists in most counties and most communities in America. Salem is now starting to have problems with homelessness which in past times was hardly a problem but since the economic crash of 2008 and 2009 and the illicit drug trade in Salem, Indiana the homelessness problem has skyrocketed.

The point is that the homeless problem that is increasing in Washington County is having bad effects on the community at large along with the local economic situation which could use a definite improvement.

From some of my sources, I've been told that there are now homeless camps in a couple of areas of Salem that have sprung up in out of the way places that are harder for law enforcement to monitor and patrol. Not having seen these two places I would suspect that this is largely due to the drug problem in Salem and with the inability of the local population to hold jobs or at least try to stay clean.

Why isn't Washington County stepping up public safety and security to make sure that in Salem and other communities these people are in some decent level of shelter and housing instead of allowing a hobo encampment to remain in the city limits in one place and at the edge of the city of the City of Salem

One of the places that one finds much in the way of trash and refuse is along the Salem By Pass carrying State Roads 60 and 135. Of which it is alleged that inside of the bypass in the area between SR 160 and the Wal Mart Supercenter these is now a homeless camp somewhere in that area. Why is this allowed if true because obviously there is no law enforcement activities against such camps to encourage those to find shelter.

Instead what this allows is for more petty crime, violence and criminal activities against those in society that are following the law, paying their taxes and without being bothered or harassed by such individuals. Another such encampment was at one time in the center of Salem behind a local shopping center however that area did flood severely in 2017 so its quite possible nothing is any longer at that location.

With our community having problems due to opioids, methamphetamine, cocaine and other serious drug issues, this isn't the type of public policy that we should be allowing or encouraging. Not to mention the trash and waste that is being produced without any oversight by government bodies such as environmental agencies and health departments. This is leading to more problems by tolerating such activities that create more problems and more dependence as well. It's time for Salem City government and the Washington County government to start cracking down on these activities including the rampant drug use in our city and county and finding ways to combat the problem.

Not by encouraging these behaviors because they just want to push the issue out of the way and behind closed doors like they have with political corruption and corrupt police and politicians and lawyers. Salem Corruption Active Search Results (ASR) is an independent Internet Search Engine using a proprietary page ranking technology with Millions of popular Web sites indexed. Active Search Results

Saturday, June 9, 2018

Judgment Day!!!!!!!! Hypocrisy Much

Salem Corruption Salem Corruption Salem Corruption Salem Corruption Interesting that the Court officer in charge of the Circuit Court in Salem, Indiana mentioned about people smoking pot all day. Very interesting that Salem, Indiana and its low law enforcement, judges, legal eagles and the like have turned a blind eye to drug abuse along with heroin, meth and other drugs over the years. 

All the while talking out their rear end about the problems that drug abuse cause in our communities. Meanwhile, court officials, cops and lawyers in Salem, Indiana have spent decades covering up for those who bring drugs into our communities and only arrest those who are lower level users and offenders. Not the drug kingpins that sell drugs to the general population through their street level dealers. Salem, Indiana so called family values and definite hypocrisy. 

All the while higher level offenders and those who know who are bringing drugs into our community turn their head the other way while they know who is bringing in the dope to our community. Hypocrisy much? All the while putting low level offenders in jail while the drug pushers and mid and upper level drug dealers rake in the profits from others misery and ignorance. Meanwhile the local law enforcement and local legal community gets to rake in the profits from the incarcerations, job security by locking people up and covering for their known and well heeled dealer clientele. Hypocrisy in the highest order in Washington County, Indiana.  Salem Corruption Active Search Results (ASR) is an independent Internet Search Engine using a proprietary page ranking technology with Millions of popular Web sites indexed.

Salem School Board Misplaced Priorities

Salem Corruption Salem Corruption Salem Corruption Salem Corruption Quite interesting that the Salem School Board in Salem, Indiana only decided to fund the project to fix the pool at the Salem Middle School for 3 million or so dollars as we are told. Guess they had too much community opposition for the 13 million dollar wasteful projects that was wanted by the Superintendent in order to spend more community resources including money for an artificial turf football field that was only going to get a few uses a year for football games for the high school and middle school at a cost of 1-2 million dollars.

Not to mention the other massive waste of resources by a school system that complained in 2016 about not having enough computers and resources for the elementary school at Bradie Shrum. Of course the system couldn't be bothered with getting enough computers that actually work for the students instead of spending a couple million on a football field and some new band quarters at the high school.

You have to wonder about the priorities of these community do gooders and the good old buddy system that exists in the school corporation and among the school board members that are always patting each other on the back for a job not so well done. Salem Corruption Active Search Results (ASR) is an independent Internet Search Engine using a proprietary page ranking technology with Millions of popular Web sites indexed.

The Nincompoops of the Salem School Board and Salem Community Schools

Salem Corruption Salem Corruption Salem Corruption Salem Corruption
Interesting that the Salem School Board in Salem, Indiana along with the Superintendent in 2016/2017 were wringing their hands about what to do in regard to the computer problems that were facing Salem Community Schools students during the ISTEP test. Of which these computers crashed and were unavailable for usage during those tests therefore having to reschedule the tests.
However, they all of a sudden came out of the woodwork in March and April 2018 and started pushing for 13 million dollars in upgrades to the existing schools including a new band room and auditorium at the high school, new artificial turf football field and repairs to the middle school swimming pool.
However, they couldn't be bothered with promoting the actual educational goals of our students and children and instead of more wasteful projects that won't result in a better educated workforce and development of everyone's potential.
Instead, they like the tax and spend set in government want to throw money at a problem and thinking it will go away without any accountability for results.
Interestingly they wanted to spend between 1 and 2 million for new artificial turf for the football field
However, that same 2 million dollars that would have been wastefully spent on a football field that only gets 4 high school varsity games, 4 JV games and 4 middle school games a year should have been proposed for computers. How?
2 million dollars would buy every classroom at Salem enough computers for all 2000 students or so in the system provided only about $1000 was spent on each computer. However, it seems our superintendent and the school board isn't too good at math. Especially considering that at our local big box store a desktop computer runs about 450 to 800 dollars.
Of course, they'll make some excuse why they can't get George or Susie a computer for their classroom but they can spend 13 million on a bunch of pet projects.
MAYBE the school board and the school administration needs to take remedial math.
Salem Corruption Active Search Results (ASR) is an independent Internet Search Engine using a proprietary page ranking technology with Millions of popular Web sites indexed.

Washington County Transparency: A Laughable Proposition

Salem Corruption Salem Corruption Salem Corruption Salem Corruption
Transparency is the ability to see through things that are behind something including what might perceived. In Washington County, there is a lack of government transparency in that government including the local law enforcement, local judges and local politicians in the City Council, County Council and County Commissioners often act behind the scenes.
The same occurred recently with the Salem School Board of the Salem Community Schools having a public meeting which was announced at the last minute by the school corporation and board and in the Wheezer newspaper.
Interestingly, they of course waited until Thursday to actually announce that there would be an important vote on the school's request to spend 13 million taxpayer dollars on pet projects proposed by the Superintendent and others in the school corporation.
The entire debacle strikes this writer as having no transparency and no public input until the people found out about what was in the proposed tax increase that they would end up paying for. All for some artificial turf, an auditorium, a band room and swimming pool repairs. All the while they do things behind closed doors and in closed meetings.
Much like mob bosses and big city political machines do things behind closed doors in smoke filled rooms with all of the cronies and good old boys making the decisions without public input and public investigation of what kind of personal economic screwing that they have been receiving.
All the while the community do gooders continue to wail about how we need to spend more money on the schools and more money to support pet projects that end up being a waste of taxpayer dollars in a county that is economically lacking in many respects.
All the while, the community do gooders have spent 50 years keeping the community backwards and economically challenged to the point that people are living paycheck to paycheck because their jobs if they have any ore not giving out raises and benefit increases.
Meanwhile the corrupt county officials and good old boy network continues to complain that they don't have enough money to pave roads, provide snow removal, clean roadways, cut and mow grass along the roads and other essential government work. However, they did have money for a 9 million dollar jail and a couple of million to spend on the Circuit and Superior Court chambers for the judges that make in excess of $130,000 a year along with the prosecuting attorney, sheriff and those employed by those agencies of local government.
Meanwhile, the drug busts keep on happening at a time when no one actually sources those who have been bringing in the drugs to Washington County for decades. Could it be that the local law enforcement and local legal community is covering up for the locally based drug kingpins that have spent 30 years plus bringing in their trash to our community and they know who these people are and who they are paid to protect.
Interesting, isn't it how Washington County government works at least for the judges, prosecutors, law enforcement and legal eagles. For the rest of us, its no snow removal, lousy roads, higher taxes, jails filled to the brim, low wage jobs and lack of decent employment options for much of the community.
However, the do gooders keep on patting each other on the back of what a great job they are doing. All the while really doing nothing of consequence that actually improves life in the community.
Such as new higher paying jobs, increased employment options, more business, more real economic development. Just more of the same of them talking about what they are doing but accomplishing absolutely nothing
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Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Are You Tired Of Political Corruption in Salem, Indiana and Washington County

Salem Corruption Salem Corruption Salem Corruption Salem Corruption Here is where the US Attorney's Office for the Southern District of Indiana steps in. If you're tired of the local prosecutor's office refusing to fairly assess and prosecute the law? If you're tired of corrupt and criminal law enforcement and judges not doing their job? If you're tired of the good old boys and corrupt politicians and career coffee drinkers in Salem, Indiana protecting their own kinfolk at the expense of the taxpayers, its time to contact these folks. 

If you're tired of nepotism, corruption, and family dealings in Salem, Indiana with the same people holding sway over the community for decades including a whole clan of them working at the Washington County Courthouse and subsequent county offices this is one place you might want to contact. Tired of general government corruption and the local Washington County syndicate treated different people differently even though the laws and legal statutes must be done in accordance with the Indiana Code?

Under previous US Attorney For Southern Indiana Joseph Hogsett (now Indianapolis mayor) his office and the subsequent holder of the office has been pursuing political corruption cases, corrupt financial dealings, and criminal actions by local government officials in Indiana and wants you to inform his office of such. 

Contact Here

Contact Us
Email: (link sends e-mail)

Main Office
United States Attorney's Office
10 W Market St, Suite 2100
Indianapolis, IN 46204

Voice: (317) 226-6333
Toll-Free: (888) 368-5067
TTY: (317) 226-5438
Fax: (317) 226-6125

Branch Office
United States Attorney's Office
101 NW MLK Blvd, Suite 250
Evansville, IN 47708

Voice: (812) 465-6475
TTY: (812) 465-6441
Fax: (812) 465-6444

Salem Corruption

Washington County Drug Crackdown

Salem Corruption Salem Corruption Salem Corruption Salem Corruption
Interesting how Washington County Indiana police and public officials all of a sudden in December started cracking making huge drug busts in Salem and surrounding communities. As if all of a sudden after the Hambel trial the powers that be in Salem decided to start cracking down on the drug dealers.
Salem officials and county officials must have found out that Salem has a publicity problem when it comes to having people in power turning a blind eye to the drug problem. Probably because for many of the last 25 years the local cartel in Salem and the good old boy politicians and a couple of lawyers have been making sure that they were all protected.
It will be interesting to note how the corrupt court system will handle these cases from now on that one of the judges proclaimed himself as the Voice of Justice in Washington County. All the while they have spent years covering up for the criminal class and crooks running the community.
All of a sudden they've got more drug busts in the Salem birdcage liner but they never target the trash that is bringing in the major amount of drugs and paraphernalia that is troubling small towns like Salem, Indiana. Who are they covering up for in higher places in Salem, Indiana?
While I am at it, why aren't they correctly going after real criminals in Washington County, Indiana that are threatening public safety and compromising the safety of area families? Just like recent stories of someone having their home shot up and nothing was done about it?
Who are the people who are being covered up for and why is the local law enforcement and sheriffs department complicit in not following the laws applicable to the situation? 
Something also that needs to be asked, is what is the orientation politically and family wise that allows certain people in Washington County, Indiana to continue to get by with crimes against others and crimes against society, yet they continue to get off time and time again for said crimes. 
Meanwhile, honest people get framed by the political system and corrupt law enforcement of Washington County, Indiana in this writers honest opinion. All the while a farcical justice system is allowed to permeate the rest of the community allowing for criminal government actors to be able to do whatever they want without no repercussions for their illegal and immoral activities. 

Salem Corruption