All the while these incompetent nincompoops are continually whining and badgering the public about more taxation without adequate representation they continually try to find ways to cut services to county residents all the while receiving millions of dollars from all the residents of the county in various taxes. Just a nice examination of the property tax and local taxes via Indiana state government and local property tax records shows this type of massive waste and expenditure.
All so Washington County residents can receive less government services or in many cases no government services.
Washington County, Indiana and the Washington County Highway Department can't even be bothered with even mowing roadsides these days and help make the community and county look a bit better than it does. Nor can the Washington County local governmental bodies be bothered with picking up roadside debris and trash along the roadways either by having their own employees do such or having jail inmates pay their debt to society by actually performing some basic work.
What in the hell are we paying all these taxes and fees including user fees for governmental services if they are not going to get off their rear end to do their job?
In fact, why are we paying all these taxes? So a bunch of people in county government including the judges and law enforcement community can have cushy jobs and county employees can spend time watching YouTube on county time?
Exactly what do these legions of bumpkins and lazy individuals do all day except constitute a drain on the rest of the society that works and pays taxes?
This is going to offend the good old boys and political appointees and their sycophants by who cares. Maybe its time for real change in Washington County, Indiana as in people voting these bums out of office and getting some progressive people that want to improve the economic and social situation in Washington County, Indiana.

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