Isn't nepotism a case of corruption and ethics violations? Isn't it a patronage system where the good old boy mantra of ripping off the public to get a few backs scratched a ethics violation?
How about the fact that for years the public officials in concert with local low wage businesses have conspired to keep wages low, employment opportunities scarce, and the REAL prospect of ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT away for the average taxpayer and citizen. All to protect their small business buddies sitting in their smoke filled rooms not unlike the political bosses of yesteryear. Think it doesn't happen? Then why does Washington County, Indiana have some of the highest rates of POVERTY and CHILD POVERTY in the whole state of Indiana? Gee, does one think that all of the employers and their low wage service jobs are a part of the issue. Or the lack of business that actually pays its workers a wage on which they can truly live.
Do the commissioners, council, and political prostitutes ever visit their constituency or do they instead live in their Life of Riley world where everything is fine and all is good just for them and their cronies.
Why is it that the average family income in Salem, Indiana in Washington County at least 14,000 dollars below the state level of income across the entire state of Indiana. Because of a lousy local job market where there are few paying jobs because the local small business often finds ways to screw their employees.
To top this all off, the state grants tax incentives to these low wage corporations for worker training. Which is a job of the corporation, not the STATE. Why is it that our elected officials haven't caught onto this scam? One manufacturer if not more in Salem receives grants from the State of Indiana so they can pay their low wage slaves something on the order of 7 to 8 dollars an hour. Now why does a multi million dollar corporation need a tax incentive to create low wage jobs. If they are going to create them anyway, then why should this parts manufacturer get one cent from the public treasury.
To hear these factory managers around Salem, many of whom are ill-educated fools despite their alleged schooling, its totally preposterous that the AMERICAN PEOPLE. should allow their PUBLIC TREASURY to be robbed all for multinational corporations and their ilk. These are the same people that are using SLAVE LABOR in Communist China at a quarter an hour while they mark up the prices here in America.
One local outfit has the audacity to tell the women in their plant of how good they are being treated and how good their employer is despite the average wage being 8 dollars an hour. Meanwhile, these morally corrupt and debased corporate clowns are trying to tell these women, oh how great it is while the owner of the company not only owns two local manufacturing plants but also involved in a accounting firm in the Louisville Metro area.
These local business leaders and their cronies will not stop their systematic destruction of the American workforce until We THE People step up and by force of law make these people do right. They won't do right because they want to be nice or considerate. They won't do right because they are Christians who actually live as they are supposed to. They won't do right because they believe in liberty, human rights, and basic decency. The only time they will do right is when WE THE PEOPLE force these corrupt purveyors of corporate corruption to abide by our laws and our standards.
Which brings us back to the fact that OUR local government and officials are largely bought off and in bed with those that do what they want whenever they want. Exactly where do these small town bosses think that they get their tax monies from, and from whom? Well, it appears to me that WE THE PEOPLE give them a job in order to enforce the laws and perform public service.
We do not and should not allow these political cronies and their business establishment to continue to bring our country down to THIRD WORLD status just to kowtow to the wishes of the corporate masters. If American and Multinational Corporations have their way, then all Americans will face a lowering of their standard of living and the destruction of our REPUBLIC.
Our nation is a Constitutional Republic with the democratic right to vote for our elected representatives. It is not a pure democracy or in any way shape or form affiliated with the Democratic party or any other political party. Our leaders are elected by WE THE PEOPLE and for them to do the jobs we elect them to do. Not only are the beholden to uphold the United States Constitution but also what laws we have as Americans to maintain domestic order and tranquility. Not to be the political puppets of some corporate entity.
Thanks for your reading and more comments coming soon.

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