Furthermore, why doesn't the city and county work on roadside cleanups and instead of pot bellied pigs sitting behind a desk all day, perhaps some honest labor would help. That way you could beautify your community and work at getting healthy at the same time.
Regarding other trash, why is it that standards of personal behavior are so low? Do you not think that you might be an embarrassment to your relatives, family, or loved ones. Do you think that drunken behavior is really healthy? Or that substance abuse problem? And why aren't the churches of Washington County speaking out about the contemporary issues regarding these behaviors and offering help to those with those problems. Where is the true Christian Compassion and behavior to help those around you in need.
Or has that also been lost to the pop culture, selfishness, and laziness that has been sprouted by the seeds of the modern pop culture and what is constantly being promoted. Why aren't our churches speaking out about that?
Why is there trash on city streets, public places like the Washington Square Shopping Center on South Main Street and all over the sidewalks and county roads in the whole county not just in Salem. Does anyone understand what a trash can is used for an not to throw out trash from your car window.
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