Monday, January 26, 2015

Educational Mismanagement at Washington County Schools

Why is it that the local schools despite all of the money that is poured into those schools, not really improved. I can recall a day when one taking the SAT actually had to know something. After that time period, the powers that be turned around and watered down the SAT and also made lower scores more acceptable. Isn't the county school system failing the kids of this county, state and nation when many of them get out of school and are not able to be sufficiently employed at something above low wage employment.

Where is the focus on true education? Or is it based on the fact that the schools are more interested in getting money for new facilities and sports teams? Why isn't the school board focusing on correcting the educational issues of the day rather than socially promoting those children who have not kept up with the standards?

Kind of like how Salem and West Washington schools have been on academic probation on occasion the last couple of decades. Wonder why these highly paid professionals are turning out generations of people who cannot function at a respectable level. Could it be they are incompetent in their jobs and the teachers union and educational establishment covers up that incompetence Salem Corruption Salem Corruption Active Search Results

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