Wonder where the local right to know media is in Salem, Indiana. After all, isn't the job of the media to expose the truth to the public rather than just play music or read an occasional news blurb or some other piece. Where the is local print media in exposing and investigating governmental corruption especially political and judicial corruption as well as that in law enforcement.
Wonder why there is a enforced news blackout in Washington County, Indiana and Salem Indiana regarding corruption by public officials over the last few decades. Is it because too many people in government are related or of the well heeled class and to expose their incompetence and corruption would be too much light shone on the corrupt ones.
Kind of like how drug cases over the years were looked the other way by not only the law enforcement community but also the legal professionals who are supposed to follow the law. Of course, that depends on whom you are related to and who you are also covering up for. Or that people have been framed and accused of far less criminal activities yet end up in prison for longer terms because they couldn't pay the right people. All in the name of supposed liberty and justice for all. Don't you think that's more hypocrisy in action that little people get larger sentences than the drug dealers, drug importers, and hard core REAL criminals.

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