Where are they getting all this money at a time when they county couldn't even put enough salt and cinders on county roads last winter 2013 and 2014. The usual problem was that they were out of the materials and didn't have money to replenish their new stocks.
Yet they got their new corrections facility and prison in Salem.......lock stock and barrel. How many millions were spent on that waste of taxpayer funding. Not only to house more prisoners but to also keep prisoners from other locations in Indiana. Who is going to get the money for those prisoners? Will it end up in the Washington County Sheriff's Department coffers to be spent in their general fund for whatever they deem necessary or will these expenses and revenues from keep these criminals end up in the county coffers. Of course, how much will they waste in discretionary spending for whatever pet project they have that will create jobs for their cronies and good buddy types.
Anyone ask that question. Then to have a county council member run off to another county in Indiana to inspect their facility and who knows what kind of deals were cut by previous administrations that were elected. How much money are they going to get and where is that money going to go? In someone's pocket at the county jail. To replace vehicles wrecked in chases or because of incompetence? Who will be responsible for accounting for the money? Kind of like letting a fox guard a hen house don't you think?
Yet at the same time Salem spent nearly 20 million dollars on a bypass that has nothing on it even after being open since late 2012. No development...........no businesses........no jobs. Oh, but to listen to the Mayor and his staff............we're getting a WAL Mart. Of course, it happens 25 years after other communities in Southern Indiana got a Wal Mart including Corydon in 1986........Scottsburg in 1988.......Seymour in 1988.........Bedford in 1987.........Clarksville in 1988. Wonder what took so long? Too many people in Salem didn't want it because it would hurt their overpriced and non competitive businesses while keeping out other businesses.
Wonder the county and city has budget problems? Gee. could it have to do with less tax revenues.....less working people. Zero job growth........lackadaisical and lazy non leadership at the county level, city level. But we've got a thing for you......its another DOLLAR STORE as if a town can only run on Dollar Stores and fast food places.
Why they don't want more jobs here? Would it have to do with existing employers having to pay more and getting their employees raises and more benefits. Less crappy slave labor jobs and employers being able to dump on people because they know that people would find another job.
So when these local clowns in government tell you they can't do anything about jobs.....then they shouldn't be raising your taxes. In fact. its time for a good house cleaning in Washington County Indiana and voting them all out of office. Every last one of them and every one of their enablers as well.