Salem CorruptionSalem CorruptionSalem CorruptionSalem Corruption
Quite interesting that the Salem School Board in Salem, Indiana only decided to fund the project to fix the pool at the Salem Middle School for 3 million or so dollars as we are told. Guess they had too much community opposition for the 13 million dollar wasteful projects that was wanted by the Superintendent in order to spend more community resources including money for an artificial turf football field that was only going to get a few uses a year for football games for the high school and middle school at a cost of 1-2 million dollars.
Not to mention the other massive waste of resources by a school system that complained in 2016 about not having enough computers and resources for the elementary school at Bradie Shrum. Of course the system couldn't be bothered with getting enough computers that actually work for the students instead of spending a couple million on a football field and some new band quarters at the high school.
You have to wonder about the priorities of these community do gooders and the good old buddy system that exists in the school corporation and among the school board members that are always patting each other on the back for a job not so well done.
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